12 Tips for Moving with Children

Moving house is an exciting and often stressful time, adding little ones into the mix can heighten both the excitement and stress. Some children may be looking forward to the move from the start but others might need some time to warm to the idea. To help with the process we’ve put together some tips for moving house with children. 

1. Keep an open conversation about the move

Make sure you keep talking to them about the move and what it involves. It can be a big change for young ones so starting the conversation well ahead of time will help ease nerves. Explaining moving house in as simple language as possible so they know exactly what is happening. Kids pick up easily on the energy of how you’re reacting so be sure to get them to talk about their feelings too. To make it less serious and more engaging you could buy children’s storybooks about moving houses or get them to create some art about the move. 

2. Make it fun 

There’s nothing like easing the stress of a move with a game or two. Get your kids involved and make it a fun experience, you could have packing competitions, checklist treasure hunts or perhaps drawing how they want to set up their new room. This will ease the seriousness of it all and keep the children entertained and relaxed. 

3. Bring them along to see the house 

If it’s possible, take them along so they can envision where they’ll be living. Getting to view the house, new play spaces and their room will help them be excited about moving day not sad to leave the old house. This will help reduce any anxiety or nerves they might be feeling about going to live somewhere new. 

4. Pre-organise new schools/daycare

If you’re moving, pre-organize the new school or daycare and get your child to visit with you. Leaving routine and old friends can be difficult for young ones so having them decide on their new school or daycare with you, will let them feel like they have some agency in the process. It’s completely acceptable to let them have a week or so off school during the move to make sure they’re fully settled before returning. 

5. Consider a babysitter for the actual moving day

Unless they are set on being a part of the action on moving day, it could be worth letting them stay with friends, family or hire a babysitter. While it’s good to let them feel like they are helping with the move, things can get chaotic on moving day. Having the children out of the way will benefit their safety and reduce the chaos. They can still help with the unpacking once the removal trucks have worked their magic. 

If you have any furry friends, removing these guys from the moving day action will also help reduce stress. Putting them at a cattery/dog kennels/friends stables will give you one less thing to worry about. 

6. Be understanding 

Moving house is a big change for everyone. They may take a while to settle into the new place and routine – this is completely normal and to be expected. Keeping the conversation open about how they’re settling in and finding the new house. If you haven’t moved too far from your previous home, you can make sure to include lots of similar sights or playdates with friends in the initial settling-in period. 

7. Notify change of address

You’ll need to notify your kids’ schools, doctors, dentists and any activity group about the change of address. 

8. Kids essentials box 

Along with the essential boxes for yourself, make sure to pack an essential box for your child. Depending on their age it might include some toys, school books, snacks, change of clothes, feeding supplies. You can let your child choose a few things they want in the box too which will help them with settling into the new place. 

9. Don’t forget your own essentials box

It’s important not to forget about yourself amongst all the busyness. Pack yourself an essentials box that will cover you for a few nights. It might include utensils, meals, change of clothes, toiletries, toilet paper, light bulbs, batteries and a small first aid kit. 

10. Make a list of new places to explore in the area

To help encourage kids to get excited about the move, put together a list of new things to check out as a family. It might be the new park down the road, play centre, ice cream shop or restaurant. This will help both you and the children get familiar with the area and have things to look forward to. 

11. Set up a nightlight 

Set up a nightlight to begin with, this can help with any adjustment issues and aid kids feel secure when sleeping. A dim nightlight will do the trick without keeping anyone up at night. Put this item on the list for your essentials box. 

12. Take your time with the unpacking 

Once in the new house, it might feel like you need to rush the unpacking phase and get everything set up. Between looking after the kids and going about normal life, this process can often take weeks. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to get it done quickly and take your time with the unpacking phase. 

Hopefully you can reduce the stress of the move with children by incorporating some of these tips into your relocation. Remember to take it easy on yourself, moving is a big deal and takes some time to settle into the new house. Do whatever feels right for you and your family – some time off school, takeaway nights, additional playdates are 100% acceptable. 

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