
Easier Mane Braiding: 5 Expert Tips

Need to braid your horse’s mane for an upcoming event? Dreading it?

Braiding your horse’s mane can be a challenging chore for several reasons. If the mane is thick, it can take a long time. Regardless of the horse’s hair texture, creating beautiful braids is a challenge in and of itself. You want a braid that gets close to the horse’s crest, a braid that is even in thickness throughout, and a braid that doesn’t twist, become messy or fall out entirely.

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Adding to your flock: how to choose baby chicks wisely

Ready to grow your flock? Stay tuned for our top tips on how to make good choices for the health and longevity of your flock!

It can be hard to be picky when it comes to baby chicks. I mean, have you ever seen an uncute chick? Yet, taking the time to choose your chicks wisely is a smart long-term move. Choosing strong and disease-free chicks protects your flock and makes your life as a chicken keeper a whole lot easier.

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