Acreage Living

13 Things Real Estate Experts Look for When Touring Homes & Properties

Touring homes and properties can be incredibly fun and exciting. I mean, who wouldn’t want to mentally furnish and design a new space? This is especially true when touring larger properties and acreages, as there is just so much to look at!

But, as much fun as you have with your daydream designing on property tours, it’s important to remember that there is a lot going on behind the scenes that you need to pay attention to. With the modern real estate market, homes and properties are often gone in the blink of an eye. Meaning that you may only get once chance to tour your potential dream home. That being the case, you should approach every home tour with a dedicated plan of attack, ensuring you not only evaluate the livability of your home, but any major challenges or issues as well.

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Basic First Aid Tips, for the Furry (and Feathered) Friends on Your Farm

Country living has many benefits. Peace and quiet, room to roam, and plenty of space for your furry animal friends and livestock among them. But with these benefits comes added responsibility. Living in a rural area means that access to many services city and suburban dwellers take for granted are actually a whole lot more difficult – or at the very least, further away. Meaning that you need to be prepared to take matters into your own hands.

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Preparing for a Power Outage on Your Acreage

Like anyone already living the country life knows, owning acreage property means that from time to time, you’re going to have to be self-reliant. This is especially true as spring storms start to roll through, and the chances of power outages increase. While having no power is an inconvenience for any homeowner, if you’re living outside the main city centre, it can make life incredibly difficult.

Thankfully, with a little prep work, you and your family can be ready to take on any power outage. Here’s a look at our proven list of steps for ensuring you’re prepared the next time things go dark.

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How to Build and Maintain a Well on Your Langley Acreage

We’re very fortunate to live in a place and time that allows us to think so little about water. For nearly all of time, mankind has had a driving daily need to think about where, when, and how they were going to get their drinking water. But today, it’s just a matter of turning on the tap!

However, depending on where you live, there might be quite a few things going on behind the scenes that allow for clean, fresh water to be brought through your pipes. This is especially true if you currently live on – or are considering living on – any sizeable acreage. That’s because nearly all homes in rural settings need to create a self- sustaining source of water on their own (i.e. they’re too far out to be hooked into the local city or town’s water supply).

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How to Care for Your Septic System

Acreage living brings many wonderful things with it: fresh air, space to roam, and lots of friendly wildlife. But it also brings something else. Something that’s much less glamorous and rarely discussed: septic systems.

Though the idea of having to care for a septic system may scare some folks away from living their dream life in the country, I am here to tell you that these centuries-old filtration devices are nothing to be scared of. In fact, with a little regular maintenance, septic systems are often one of the most reliable parts of a home!

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